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Claim Map

The claim map is used to claim and unclaim chunks. It can be opened with a keybind: M by default, or with the /claimmap command.

  • To claim a chunk, simply click anywhere on the map. If you are part of a team, the chunk will be claimed for the team. If you are not part of a team, the chunk will be claimed for you.
  • To unclaim a chunk, right-click on the claimed chunk.
  • Cadmus supports chunk loading, which allows chunks to function even when you are not present.
    • To chunk load a claim, hold down the Shift key and click on the chunk.
    • To remove chunk loading from a claim, hold down right-click and the shift key, and click on the claimed chunk.
  • To clear all chunks in the current dimension, click the trash icon on the top left corner. To clear all chunks in all dimensions, hold down the Shift key and click the trash icon.

The claim map is client-side. This means that if Cadmus is installed on the server but not the client, you must use the /claim and /unclaim commands instead.