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Admin Commands

List Command

/cadmus admin list

Lists all teams and their IDs.

Claim Command

/cadmus admin claim <id> <pos> <chunkload>

Claims a chunk on behalf of another player or team.

  • id: The identifier for the team. IDs with a p prefix are player claims, IDs with a t prefix are team claims, and IDs with an a prefix are admin claims. Use /cadmus admin list to see a list of teams mapped to their IDs.
  • pos: The chunk position to claim. This parameter is optional. If not specified, it will claim the player's current position.
  • chunkload: Whether the claim is chunk loaded or not. This parameter is optional. If not specified, the chunk will not be loaded.

Unclaim Command

/cadmus admin unclaim <id> <pos>

Unclaims a chunk on behalf of another player or team.

  • id: The identifier for the team. This parameter is optional. If not specified, it will unclaim whatever team's claim is at the player's current position.
  • pos: The chunk position to unclaim. This parameter is optional. If not specified, it will unclaim the player's current position.

Clear Command

/cadmus admin clear <id>

Removes all claims associated with the given team.

  • id the identifier for the team. IDs with a p prefix are player claims, IDs with a t prefix are team claims, and IDs with an a prefix are admin claims. Use /cadmus admin list to see a list of teams mapped to their IDs.

Clear All Command

/cadmus admin clearall

Completely removes all claims from the server. This will also remove all admin claims; however, it will not remove admin claim groups and teams themselves.

Default Settings

/cadmus admin defaultsettings <setting> <value>

Modifies the default settings for player claims. (see Claim Settings for more information).

  • setting: The default setting to modify. Valid settings are:
    • canBreak
    • canDamageEntities
    • canExplode
    • canInteractWithBlocks
    • canInteractWithEntities
    • canPlace
  • value: The value to set the default setting to. Can be true or false and is false by default, meaning that all claims will be protected by default.