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Admin Claim Commands

Create Command

/cadmus adminclaims create <id>

Creates an admin claim group

  • id: The identifier for the admin claim. this is referenced when adding and removing chunks from the admin claim. This also must be unique from other admin claims.

Remove Command

/cadmus adminclaims remove <id>

Deletes an admin claim group and its flags

  • id: The identifier for the admin claim.

Claim Command

/cadmus adminclaims claim <id> <pos> <chunkload>

Claims a chunk of land as an admin claim

  • id: The identifier for the admin claim.
  • pos: The chunk position to claim. This parameter is optional. If not specified, it will claim the player's current position.
  • chunkload: Whether the claim is chunk loaded or not. This parameter is optional. If not specified, the chunk will not be loaded.

Unclaim Command

/cadmus adminclaims unclaim <id> <pos>

Unclaims a chunk of land as an admin claim

  • id: The identifier for the admin claim.
  • pos: The chunk position to unclaim. This parameter is optional. If not specified, it will unclaim the player's current position.